Titan configurations present a wide variety of often confusing nomenclature. This is a product of two main circumstance:
First, the models have evolved quite significantly since their introduction originally in Adeptus Titanicus; that game introduced only one broad type of Titan, but we now have about twenty.
Second, Games Workshop has been...ambiguous in sorting things out and, on at least one occasion, made obvious errors. Now the ambiguity helps to reinforce the mysterious elements of 40k, but simple errors could have been avoided.
Broadly speaking, the first and most important distinction between Titans is their Type. Since most of the 40k universe is presented through the eyes of the Imperium, they get to label the Types. They are:
Emperor - the largest and rarest type, Emperor Titans are mammoth.
Battle - the most common type, Battle Titans perform a variety of battlefield roles and do the majority of the fighting.
Scout - the lightest type, Scout Titans perform in a reconaissance and support role.
Within each type, there are subdivisions. Essentially, this is a matter of the basic "chassis".
The Imperium fields 4 (or possibly 5) different Classes of Titan. They are:
Imperator (Emperor type)
Warlord (Battle type)
Reaver (Battle type)
Warhound (Scout type)
The possible fifth class is the Warmonger. This monster is an Emperor type Titan; however, it is not clear if it is a variant of the Imperator, or a unique chassis. There are important similarities and differences between the two.
Various classes of Titans are produced throughout the Imperium. As a consequence of STC technology, the same essential Titan could be built by a variety of forge worlds. However, because of the fallen state of the Imperium, a number of cosmetic and even systemic differences can exist between the same class of Titan.
The most obvious Pattern disticntion is that between Mars and Lucius pattern Titans. Mars-produced Titans tend to have rounded carapaces and armour plates, whereas Lucius-produced Titans tend to be more angular and slab-sided.
HOWEVER, this analysis is complicated by the fact that Epic: Armageddon and Jervis Johnson indicate that "pattern" refers to weapons loadout, rather than cosmetic appearance or place of origin. This position should be discarded as grossly inconsistent with Forge World's various conversion kits (Ryza pattern turrets) and essentially the entirety of the rest of what we know about Titan classification.
Because GW's modelling technology has advanced over time, and they have withdrawn and reintroduced models, "Mark" has emerged as a way of distinguishing earlier/later versions of the same model. The Armorcast Warhound, with it's rounded carapace, is clearly a Mars-pattern; Forge World's most recent smooth armoured Warhound is also Mars-pattern, hence Mark 1 and Mark 2.
Variant refers to weapon and equipment loadout. In Adeptus Titanicus, this was a very important classification, but it has diminished in importance over time as more Titans' were introduced to the game. Since in Adeptus Titanicus there was only one class of Titan in the box, these could be configured differently to create light, medium, and heavy versions. As the Reaver and Warhound were introduced, these roles were filled by dedicated Titan classes, and so variants become much less of an issue. Nonetheless, some weapon variations are so common that they have been standardized as named variants.
Imperial Titans appear in the following variants:
Warlord Nightgaunt - Assault weapons [Laser Burners, CCWs]
Warlord Nemesis - Support weapons
Warlord Eclipse - Relics
Warlord Deathbringer - Tactical weapons
Reaver Vandal - Relics [Devotional Bells, etc]
Reaver Hun - Tactical weapons [Gatling Blasters, Turbolasers]
Reaver Goth - Support weapons [Vortex Missiles, Deathstrike Cannons]
Warhound Wolf - Anti-Tank weapons [Plasma Blastgun & Turbolaser]
Warhound Jackal - Anti-Infantry weapons [Inferno Gun & Vulcan Megabolter]
It could be argued that the Warmonger is in fact a variant of the Imperator, given that much of the structure is identical, but for the weapons load.
22 November 2010
15 October 2010
Warhammer Quest - Card List
As a reference, here is the complete list of cards produced for the Warhammer Quest Game, including its various expansions.
Warhammer Quest Boxed Set
Treasure Card Packs 1
Treasure Card Packs 2
Treasure Card Packs 3
Lair of the Orc Lord Expansion
Catacombs of Terror Expansion
All the cards from White Dwarf WHQ articles
Some of the treasure cards in the treasure packs can be inspirational for designing your own quests. Design a Quest in which the Warriors must collect all the Amulets, or Runestones, or chase after the magic items of Le Marquis. If they fail, huge vortexes of evil magic will descend upon the Empire, etc. etc.
Boxed Set Event Cards:
Cave-In (E)
Encounter (E)
Dead Body (E)
Old Bones (E)
Portcullis (E)
Scorpions (E)
Trap (E)
2D6 Giant Bats (M)
2D6 Giant Rats (M)
2D6 Giant Spiders (M)
6 Goblin Archers (M)
6 Goblin Spearmen (M)
1D6 Goblin Spearmen & 1D6 Goblin Archers (M)
1 Minotaur (M)
1D3 Minotaurs (M)
6 Orcs (M)
1D6 Orcs & 1D6 Orc Archers (M)
2D6 Skaven (M)
2D6 Snotlings (M)
13x Blank Monster event cards
4x Blank Event event cards
"How-to fill out Blank Event cards" Card
Boxed Set Treasure Cards:
Amulet of Power
Arrows of Death
Boots of Swiftness
Chalice of Fate
Darting Steel Daggers
Dragon Shield
Enchanted Shield
Ensorcelled Blade
Finger of Doom
Flash Powder
Fur Cloak
Gold (3 gp)
Gold (100 gp)
Healing Potion
Healing Salve
Hell Mace
Incense of Healing
Invisibility Ring
Lightning Fire Ring
Lucky Talisman
Magic Potion
Orb of Might
Potion of Healing
Quake Scroll
Shield of Deliverance
Talon of Death
Time Freeze Ring
Boxed Set Dungeon Cards:
Corridor Cards:
1x Corner
1x Stairway
3x T-Junction
7x Passageway
Dungeon Room Cards:
Circle of Power
Dungeon Cell
Guard Room
Monster's Lair
Torture Chamber
Well of Doom
Objective Room Cards:
Fighting Pit
Fountain of Light
Idol Chamber
Tomb Chamber
Boxed Set Spell Cards:
Attack Spell Cards:
Lightning Bolt
Ogre Strength
Pit of Despair
Defense Spell Cards:
Iron Skin
Healing Spell Cards:
Healing Hands
Heal Wounds
Life Force
Boxed Set Equipment Cards:
The Lantern
The Rope
Hand of Death Spell Scroll
Healing Potion (full wounds)
Boxed Set Warrior + Advance Cards:
Card Packs
Treasure Card Pack #1:
Cover card
Objective Room Treasure Cards:
Armour of Dargan
Arrows of Loren
Battle Stone of Le Marquis
Blood Sword
Boots of Flight
Bane Sword
Elf Helm
Hammer of Spite
Hellfire Sword
Horn of Vengeance
Power Stone of Le Marquis
Shield Spell Scroll
Sword of Vengeance
Warningstone of Asuryan
The Hammer of Sigmar
Dungeon Room Treasure Cards:
Ancient Vase of Lustria
Armour of Fortune
Arrow of Slaying
Axe of Slaughter
Band of Magic
Bane Scroll of the Undead
Blade of Sea Gold
Blade of Slicing
Bladed Boots
Boots of Tzchak
Bow of Tor Alessi
Cloak of Loren
Cloak of Deception
Cloak of Stealth
Coughing Spell Jewel
Dispel Magic Scroll
Dome of Power
Fanged Death Helm
Firebombs (1D6)
Glory! Spell Scroll
Gold (1D6x50)
Hidden Alcove
Holy Artefact
Lifebringer Spell Scroll
Lifestealer Talisman
Pearl Necklace
Pit of Despair Scroll
Potion of Alchemy
Potion of Flight
Potion of Instability
Potion of Weapon Mastery
Relic Blade
Ring of Sure Seeing
Runestone of Slaying
Spell Ring
Undead Bane
Wall of Steel
Treasure Card Pack #2:
Cover Card
Objective Room Treasure Cards:
Armour of Meteoric Iron
Axe of Slaying
Blade of Leaping Gold
Crown of Thoughts
Dragon Stone of Le Marquis
Elf Shield
Firestorm Icon
Gauntlets of Soul Rending
Horn of Defiance
Lifestone of Ashraaz
Life Stone of Le Marquis
Ring of Regeneration
Ring of the Warp
Surefire Bow
Sword of Hoeth
Dungeon Room Treasure Cards:
Arrows of Piercing
Arrows of Sure Flight
Bauble of Anurandel
Boots of Battle
Boots of Leaping
Bugman's XXXXXX
Chaos Bane
Confuse Spell Scroll
Crown of Madness
Cure Small Wounds Spell
Exotic Foods of Tilea
Fine Clothes
Fine Elf Wine
Fleet of Foot Scroll
Goblet of Vitality
Halo of Vengeance Scroll
Healing Hands Jewel
Horn of Shielding
Icon of Combat
Icon of Determination
Invisibility Spell Scroll
Iron Skin Spell Scroll
Light of Courage
Obsidian Blade
Ogre Slayer
Ogre Strength Scroll
Orb of Power
Potion of Battle
Potion of Healing (1D6 wounds)
Potion of Pain
Potion of Strength
Quarg Horn
Ring of Power
Spices from Araby
Stone of Bravery
Stone of Transmutation
Strength Spell Scroll
Swords of Doom Scroll
Treasure Card Pack #3:
Cover Card
Objective Room Treasure Cards:
Axe of Blood
Bracelet of Saphery
Chalice of Battle
Dragon Sword
Bow of Loren
Helm of Possession
Pistol & Shot
Ring of Seeking
Speed Stone of Le Marquis
Sword of Heroes
Talisman of Jet
Wand of Diabolum
Wand of Jade
Warp Jump Spell Jewel
Dungeon Room Treasure Cards:
Abandoned Backpack
Amulet of Fury
Amulet of Vindication
Bag of Gold (1d6x25)
Blessed Sword
Blood Pulse Spell Scroll
Bone Blade
Bow of Tiranoc
Destroy Magic Scroll
Destroy Magic Scroll
Dwarf Pick
Eltharion's Bow
Flesh Worm Scroll
Glittering Robe Scroll
Holy Water
Horn of Resilience
Icon of Agility
Luckstone of Anurandel
Potion of Endurance
Potion of Flying
Potion of Keensight
Potion of Lightning Blades
Potion of Toughness
Potion of Water Walking
Precious Icon
Protection Ring
Rapid Fire Bracelets
Ring of Invisibility
Rune of Destruction
Runestone of Death
Runestone of Magic
Salve of Strength
Sword of Might
Window of the Void Scroll
Wines of Bretonnia
Wings of Power Scroll
Wizard's Staff
Blank Event Card Blister Pack:
17x Blank Monster event cards
4x Blank Event event cards
Catacombs of Terror
Catacombs of Terror Event Cards:
Curse of the Dread King (E)
Death Curse (E)
Dwarf Ghost (E)
Horror in the Darkness (E)
Spectral Attack (E)
Vampire Bats (E)
Van Damneg - The Dread King (M)
Gunther Laranscheld - Evil Necromancer (M)
Luthor, Laranshceld's Hunchback Servant (M)
1 Carrion (M)
2D6 Ghouls (M)
1D6+3 Skeletons (Archers) (M)
1D6+3 Skeletons (M)
1D6 Skeleton Spearmen (M)
1D6 Skeleton Spearmen and 1D6 Skeleton Archers (M)
1 Tomb Guardian (M)
1D3 Tomb Guardians (M)
1D6+3 Zombies (M)
Catacombs of Terror Treasure Cards:
Objective Room Treasure Card:
Sceptre of Zandri
Dungeon Room Treasure Cards:
Amulet of Charadris
Axe of Khemri
Chalice of Vigour
Helm of Alcadizzar
Silver Stone
Stone Icon of Ghamaluk
Orb of Sigmar
Talisman of Alcadizzar
The Blessed Gem
The Kingshield of Tilea
Catacombs of Terror Dungeon Cards:
Corridor Card:
Chasm of Despair
Flames of Khazla
Dungeon Room Cards:
Hall of Death
Objective Room Card:
Dread King's Throne Room
Catacombs of Terror Special Cards:
Grimoire Necris
Necromantic Magic
Undead Minions
Lair of the Orc Lord
Lair of the Orc Lord Event Cards:
Bogoff The Snotling (E)
Challenge! (E)
Falling Block (E)
Get The Little Git (E)
Gubbinz The Jester (E)
Map (E)
Spikes! (E)
Spore Fungus (E)
Trip Up (E)
Wounded Knight (E)
1D6 Black Orcs (M)
3 Goblin Fanatics (M)
1D3+1 Goblin Wolf Riders (M)
Gorgut And Minions (M)
3 Gorgut's Big'Uns (M)
1D6 Orcs And 1D6 Night Goblin Archers (M)
1D6 Night Goblin Archers And 1 Fanatic (M)
4 Night Goblin Netters And 4 Clubbers (M)
Skabnoze The Shaman With Minions (M)
2 Squig Hunters With Cave Squig (M)
1D6 Wild Cave Squigs (M)
Lair of the Orc Lord Treasure Cards:
Bograt's Krown
Fungus Brew
Magic Arrers
Plergit's Stabba
Pritty Stonez
Ring Of Life
Scroll Of The Chimera
The Hammer Of Hargon
Lair of the Orc Lord Dungeon Cards:
Corridor Card:
Collapsed Passage
Dungeon Room Card:
Shaman's Den
Objective Room Card:
Gorgut's Lair
Lair of the Orc Lord Special Cards:
Shaman's Den
Skabnoze's Spells
Squig Hound
Sword Of Malediction
White Dwarf Magazine
White Dwarf 185:
Gaol Key Equipment Card
Gaol Board Section
Gaol Dungeon Card
White Dwarf 186:
Flames of Khazla Board Section
Flames of Khazla Dungeon Card
White Dwarf 187:
4x Treasure Cards:
Freezing Death Spell Jewel
Moradrel's Boots
Reaper Sword
White Dwarf 189:
Treasure Map Equipment Card
2x Treasure Cards:
Gem of Passage
Globe of Destruction
White Dwarf 190:
8x Dark Secret Cards:
Personal Supplies
Secret Map
White Dwarf 191:
2x Treasure Cards:
Blessed Water
White Dwarf 192:
3x Board Sections:
Dead End
Collapsed Passage
Into The Dark
3x Dungeon Cards:
Dead End
Collapsed Passage
Into The Dark
White Dwarf 193:
4x Event Cards:
Orc Ambush (M)
Rat Ogre (M)
Spider's Lair (E)
Treasure Trove (E)
White Dwarf 195:
Rat Golem Event Card (M)
Skreek Deathstrike Event Card (M)
Quirrik Event Card (M)
Quirrik's Laboratory Dungeon Card
Quirrik's Lab board section
6x Warpstone counters
White Dwarf 197:
4x Event Cards:
Alarm (E)
Shifting Sands (E)
Sliding Wall (E)
Snake Pit (E)
White Dwarf 201:
Affliction of Nurgle Event Card (E)
Chaos Dwarf Anvil board section (no Dungeon card)
White Dwarf 204:
Sewer Board Section
Sewer Dungeon Card
Fascination of Slaanesh Event Card (E)
(above archived from http://home.earthlink.net/~djrobert/Sanctum/whqcardlist.htm)
Warhammer Quest Boxed Set
Treasure Card Packs 1
Treasure Card Packs 2
Treasure Card Packs 3
Lair of the Orc Lord Expansion
Catacombs of Terror Expansion
All the cards from White Dwarf WHQ articles
Some of the treasure cards in the treasure packs can be inspirational for designing your own quests. Design a Quest in which the Warriors must collect all the Amulets, or Runestones, or chase after the magic items of Le Marquis. If they fail, huge vortexes of evil magic will descend upon the Empire, etc. etc.
Warhammer Quest Card List:
Boxed Set Event Cards:
Cave-In (E)
Encounter (E)
Dead Body (E)
Old Bones (E)
Portcullis (E)
Scorpions (E)
Trap (E)
2D6 Giant Bats (M)
2D6 Giant Rats (M)
2D6 Giant Spiders (M)
6 Goblin Archers (M)
6 Goblin Spearmen (M)
1D6 Goblin Spearmen & 1D6 Goblin Archers (M)
1 Minotaur (M)
1D3 Minotaurs (M)
6 Orcs (M)
1D6 Orcs & 1D6 Orc Archers (M)
2D6 Skaven (M)
2D6 Snotlings (M)
13x Blank Monster event cards
4x Blank Event event cards
"How-to fill out Blank Event cards" Card
Boxed Set Treasure Cards:
Amulet of Power
Arrows of Death
Boots of Swiftness
Chalice of Fate
Darting Steel Daggers
Dragon Shield
Enchanted Shield
Ensorcelled Blade
Finger of Doom
Flash Powder
Fur Cloak
Gold (3 gp)
Gold (100 gp)
Healing Potion
Healing Salve
Hell Mace
Incense of Healing
Invisibility Ring
Lightning Fire Ring
Lucky Talisman
Magic Potion
Orb of Might
Potion of Healing
Quake Scroll
Shield of Deliverance
Talon of Death
Time Freeze Ring
Boxed Set Dungeon Cards:
Corridor Cards:
1x Corner
1x Stairway
3x T-Junction
7x Passageway
Dungeon Room Cards:
Circle of Power
Dungeon Cell
Guard Room
Monster's Lair
Torture Chamber
Well of Doom
Objective Room Cards:
Fighting Pit
Fountain of Light
Idol Chamber
Tomb Chamber
Boxed Set Spell Cards:
Attack Spell Cards:
Lightning Bolt
Ogre Strength
Pit of Despair
Defense Spell Cards:
Iron Skin
Healing Spell Cards:
Healing Hands
Heal Wounds
Life Force
Boxed Set Equipment Cards:
The Lantern
The Rope
Hand of Death Spell Scroll
Healing Potion (full wounds)
Boxed Set Warrior + Advance Cards:
Card Packs
Treasure Card Pack #1:
Cover card
Objective Room Treasure Cards:
Armour of Dargan
Arrows of Loren
Battle Stone of Le Marquis
Blood Sword
Boots of Flight
Bane Sword
Elf Helm
Hammer of Spite
Hellfire Sword
Horn of Vengeance
Power Stone of Le Marquis
Shield Spell Scroll
Sword of Vengeance
Warningstone of Asuryan
The Hammer of Sigmar
Dungeon Room Treasure Cards:
Ancient Vase of Lustria
Armour of Fortune
Arrow of Slaying
Axe of Slaughter
Band of Magic
Bane Scroll of the Undead
Blade of Sea Gold
Blade of Slicing
Bladed Boots
Boots of Tzchak
Bow of Tor Alessi
Cloak of Loren
Cloak of Deception
Cloak of Stealth
Coughing Spell Jewel
Dispel Magic Scroll
Dome of Power
Fanged Death Helm
Firebombs (1D6)
Glory! Spell Scroll
Gold (1D6x50)
Hidden Alcove
Holy Artefact
Lifebringer Spell Scroll
Lifestealer Talisman
Pearl Necklace
Pit of Despair Scroll
Potion of Alchemy
Potion of Flight
Potion of Instability
Potion of Weapon Mastery
Relic Blade
Ring of Sure Seeing
Runestone of Slaying
Spell Ring
Undead Bane
Wall of Steel
Treasure Card Pack #2:
Cover Card
Objective Room Treasure Cards:
Armour of Meteoric Iron
Axe of Slaying
Blade of Leaping Gold
Crown of Thoughts
Dragon Stone of Le Marquis
Elf Shield
Firestorm Icon
Gauntlets of Soul Rending
Horn of Defiance
Lifestone of Ashraaz
Life Stone of Le Marquis
Ring of Regeneration
Ring of the Warp
Surefire Bow
Sword of Hoeth
Dungeon Room Treasure Cards:
Arrows of Piercing
Arrows of Sure Flight
Bauble of Anurandel
Boots of Battle
Boots of Leaping
Bugman's XXXXXX
Chaos Bane
Confuse Spell Scroll
Crown of Madness
Cure Small Wounds Spell
Exotic Foods of Tilea
Fine Clothes
Fine Elf Wine
Fleet of Foot Scroll
Goblet of Vitality
Halo of Vengeance Scroll
Healing Hands Jewel
Horn of Shielding
Icon of Combat
Icon of Determination
Invisibility Spell Scroll
Iron Skin Spell Scroll
Light of Courage
Obsidian Blade
Ogre Slayer
Ogre Strength Scroll
Orb of Power
Potion of Battle
Potion of Healing (1D6 wounds)
Potion of Pain
Potion of Strength
Quarg Horn
Ring of Power
Spices from Araby
Stone of Bravery
Stone of Transmutation
Strength Spell Scroll
Swords of Doom Scroll
Treasure Card Pack #3:
Cover Card
Objective Room Treasure Cards:
Axe of Blood
Bracelet of Saphery
Chalice of Battle
Dragon Sword
Bow of Loren
Helm of Possession
Pistol & Shot
Ring of Seeking
Speed Stone of Le Marquis
Sword of Heroes
Talisman of Jet
Wand of Diabolum
Wand of Jade
Warp Jump Spell Jewel
Dungeon Room Treasure Cards:
Abandoned Backpack
Amulet of Fury
Amulet of Vindication
Bag of Gold (1d6x25)
Blessed Sword
Blood Pulse Spell Scroll
Bone Blade
Bow of Tiranoc
Destroy Magic Scroll
Destroy Magic Scroll
Dwarf Pick
Eltharion's Bow
Flesh Worm Scroll
Glittering Robe Scroll
Holy Water
Horn of Resilience
Icon of Agility
Luckstone of Anurandel
Potion of Endurance
Potion of Flying
Potion of Keensight
Potion of Lightning Blades
Potion of Toughness
Potion of Water Walking
Precious Icon
Protection Ring
Rapid Fire Bracelets
Ring of Invisibility
Rune of Destruction
Runestone of Death
Runestone of Magic
Salve of Strength
Sword of Might
Window of the Void Scroll
Wines of Bretonnia
Wings of Power Scroll
Wizard's Staff
Blank Event Card Blister Pack:
17x Blank Monster event cards
4x Blank Event event cards
Catacombs of Terror
Catacombs of Terror Event Cards:
Curse of the Dread King (E)
Death Curse (E)
Dwarf Ghost (E)
Horror in the Darkness (E)
Spectral Attack (E)
Vampire Bats (E)
Van Damneg - The Dread King (M)
Gunther Laranscheld - Evil Necromancer (M)
Luthor, Laranshceld's Hunchback Servant (M)
1 Carrion (M)
2D6 Ghouls (M)
1D6+3 Skeletons (Archers) (M)
1D6+3 Skeletons (M)
1D6 Skeleton Spearmen (M)
1D6 Skeleton Spearmen and 1D6 Skeleton Archers (M)
1 Tomb Guardian (M)
1D3 Tomb Guardians (M)
1D6+3 Zombies (M)
Catacombs of Terror Treasure Cards:
Objective Room Treasure Card:
Sceptre of Zandri
Dungeon Room Treasure Cards:
Amulet of Charadris
Axe of Khemri
Chalice of Vigour
Helm of Alcadizzar
Silver Stone
Stone Icon of Ghamaluk
Orb of Sigmar
Talisman of Alcadizzar
The Blessed Gem
The Kingshield of Tilea
Catacombs of Terror Dungeon Cards:
Corridor Card:
Chasm of Despair
Flames of Khazla
Dungeon Room Cards:
Hall of Death
Objective Room Card:
Dread King's Throne Room
Catacombs of Terror Special Cards:
Grimoire Necris
Necromantic Magic
Undead Minions
Lair of the Orc Lord
Lair of the Orc Lord Event Cards:
Bogoff The Snotling (E)
Challenge! (E)
Falling Block (E)
Get The Little Git (E)
Gubbinz The Jester (E)
Map (E)
Spikes! (E)
Spore Fungus (E)
Trip Up (E)
Wounded Knight (E)
1D6 Black Orcs (M)
3 Goblin Fanatics (M)
1D3+1 Goblin Wolf Riders (M)
Gorgut And Minions (M)
3 Gorgut's Big'Uns (M)
1D6 Orcs And 1D6 Night Goblin Archers (M)
1D6 Night Goblin Archers And 1 Fanatic (M)
4 Night Goblin Netters And 4 Clubbers (M)
Skabnoze The Shaman With Minions (M)
2 Squig Hunters With Cave Squig (M)
1D6 Wild Cave Squigs (M)
Lair of the Orc Lord Treasure Cards:
Bograt's Krown
Fungus Brew
Magic Arrers
Plergit's Stabba
Pritty Stonez
Ring Of Life
Scroll Of The Chimera
The Hammer Of Hargon
Lair of the Orc Lord Dungeon Cards:
Corridor Card:
Collapsed Passage
Dungeon Room Card:
Shaman's Den
Objective Room Card:
Gorgut's Lair
Lair of the Orc Lord Special Cards:
Shaman's Den
Skabnoze's Spells
Squig Hound
Sword Of Malediction
White Dwarf Magazine
White Dwarf 185:
Gaol Key Equipment Card
Gaol Board Section
Gaol Dungeon Card
White Dwarf 186:
Flames of Khazla Board Section
Flames of Khazla Dungeon Card
White Dwarf 187:
4x Treasure Cards:
Freezing Death Spell Jewel
Moradrel's Boots
Reaper Sword
White Dwarf 189:
Treasure Map Equipment Card
2x Treasure Cards:
Gem of Passage
Globe of Destruction
White Dwarf 190:
8x Dark Secret Cards:
Personal Supplies
Secret Map
White Dwarf 191:
2x Treasure Cards:
Blessed Water
White Dwarf 192:
3x Board Sections:
Dead End
Collapsed Passage
Into The Dark
3x Dungeon Cards:
Dead End
Collapsed Passage
Into The Dark
White Dwarf 193:
4x Event Cards:
Orc Ambush (M)
Rat Ogre (M)
Spider's Lair (E)
Treasure Trove (E)
White Dwarf 195:
Rat Golem Event Card (M)
Skreek Deathstrike Event Card (M)
Quirrik Event Card (M)
Quirrik's Laboratory Dungeon Card
Quirrik's Lab board section
6x Warpstone counters
White Dwarf 197:
4x Event Cards:
Alarm (E)
Shifting Sands (E)
Sliding Wall (E)
Snake Pit (E)
White Dwarf 201:
Affliction of Nurgle Event Card (E)
Chaos Dwarf Anvil board section (no Dungeon card)
White Dwarf 204:
Sewer Board Section
Sewer Dungeon Card
Fascination of Slaanesh Event Card (E)
(above archived from http://home.earthlink.net/~djrobert/Sanctum/whqcardlist.htm)
03 October 2010
Specialist Game - "Inquisitor" - Book List
Inquisitor Rulebook
Thorian Faction Sourcebook (pdf)
Inquisitor Conspiracies: The Ciran Legacy
Inquisitor Conspiracies: Death of an Angel
Inquisitor Annual 2002
Inquisitor Annual 2004
Exterminatus #5
Exterminatus #6
Exterminatus #7
Exterminatus #9
Exterminatus #10
Inquisitor Conspiracies: Heavenfall
Exterminatus #1
Exterminatus #2
Exterminatus #3
Exterminatus #4
Exterminatus #8
Exterminatus #11+
Inquisitor Rulebook
Thorian Faction Sourcebook (pdf)
Inquisitor Conspiracies: The Ciran Legacy
Inquisitor Conspiracies: Death of an Angel
Inquisitor Annual 2002
Inquisitor Annual 2004
Exterminatus #5
Exterminatus #6
Exterminatus #7
Exterminatus #9
Exterminatus #10
Inquisitor Conspiracies: Heavenfall
Exterminatus #1
Exterminatus #2
Exterminatus #3
Exterminatus #4
Exterminatus #8
Exterminatus #11+
18 March 2010
The Shark Mouth
Made famous by the American Volunteer Group, aka the Flying Tigers, in China, the "Shark Toothed Mouth" design is a variety of nose art that first appeared in the First World War. A variety of countries have employed it, and the effect can be both comical and menacing.
The Americans are almost certainly the dominant users of the design at present:
The appeal of the design lies, probably, in the image of the shark as a sleek predator, always staying in motion to survive. Plus, big teeth are awesome!
The use of the shark mouth for helicopters is very popular with American forces, turning up in Viet Nam on Hueys and continuing as above and below.
Because f the popularity on helicopters, it is only natural that it should appear on the sides of the new plastic Valkyrie gunships, which are sort of a mix of Huey air cav and attack gunship.
Though the design is most often utilized in aircraft, I thought it was worth mentioning thatCanada Russia* has a slightly different take on the issue. And, in my opinion, size does matter.
Canadian Russian Ice Breaker
The Americans are almost certainly the dominant users of the design at present:
A-10 Thunderbolt II "Warthog"
The appeal of the design lies, probably, in the image of the shark as a sleek predator, always staying in motion to survive. Plus, big teeth are awesome!
Dassault Ouragon flown by the Israeli Air Force
Apache AH-64D Longbow, flown by the United States Army
The use of the shark mouth for helicopters is very popular with American forces, turning up in Viet Nam on Hueys and continuing as above and below.
AH-1 Cobra Gunship
Because f the popularity on helicopters, it is only natural that it should appear on the sides of the new plastic Valkyrie gunships, which are sort of a mix of Huey air cav and attack gunship.
Though the design is most often utilized in aircraft, I thought it was worth mentioning that
* Thanks to an unidentified commenter for correcting my national attribution.
29 January 2010
Reivers: First Batch
So, cobbling together a variety of GW kits, I have been able to buuild up a few figs.
Here is the first one (Champion):
I'm not 100% satisfied with the horse, as it really is too large for a hobbler, but it is the best compromise. This model is built with head, legs, and torso from the Empire Militia Sprue, and his pistol comes from that sprue as well. The cape is from the Empire Pistoliers. I forget where the sword came from--Bretonnian maybe? In the absence of a proper morion helmet, this reiver is wearing a steel cap.
As you can see, he's quite well armed; pistol and sword make a good combination, and he has a dirk tucked in at his belt as well. The riders will all share a fairly similar armament, placing them firmly in an assault role, rather than a flanking one.
The shield is an old generic round shield, with the rim filed down and the edges beveled slightly to soften it and suggest that it has a leather face stretched over it. There is no other baggage on the horse, as I didn't want to crowd it up.
The reiver can be removed; a foot version of him will be built so he can dismount etc. He has a pin placed rather uncomfortably in his ass.
Here is the first one (Champion):
25 January 2010
Border Library
Here are the books currently featured in my Border library:
The Steel Bonnets
by George MacDonald Fraser
Border Fury
Candlemass Road
The Reavers
The Steel Bonnets
by George MacDonald Fraser
Strongholds of the Border Reivers (Osprey)
The Border Reivers (Osprey)
Border Fury
Candlemass Road
The Reavers
21 January 2010
Border Reiver Supplies
This list will be updated as I find new stuff. Feel free to note links in the comments.
Border Reiver Castings link (UK)
A decent mix of foot and mounted figs with a variety of weapons. Most interestingly, they have a small selection of civilians, pictured above. Also, mounted figs come paired with a matching foot version. Distributed by Northumbrian Painting Services.
Dixon Miniatures link (UK)
The "Flodden" line also includes some Mounted Border Reivers. These are my least favourite sculpts; I don't think they really have a great sense of proportion, and the equipment is more military than raid oriented. Also, at 2.50 GBP (per rider and horse), they are not materially cheaper than the other lines. The Foot are all from the Flodden line.
Grand Manner link (UK)
Features a wide variety of resin buildings. Their Bastle House is well worth a look, as is the Stone barn and Stable. At 40 GBP+, these are price, but it's better than trying to carve all that stone yourself.... They also have Stone Walls for your barnekin, but these are pricey too. Also, the poorly bevelled bases are a turn off for me.
Graven Images (by Monolith Designs) link (UK)
Stocks a similarly sized range as Vendel. An interesting feature is that you can buy a Foot Reiver band as one pack, and what appears to be the Mounted version as a second pack. Each pack is "character" based: Auld Wat, Red Rowan, etc. No separate animal packs, but there is a Bishop! Also features some appropriate buildings. Probably. There's no photos of the buildings.
UPDATE (2015 01 15): This line is now distributed by Hoka Hey Wargaming.
Gripping Beast link (UK)
No idea if they are appropriate for the Borders, but they have some...interesting Sheep. Also, some miscellaneous pack animals.
Megaminiatures link (USA)
Sold only through an eBay store (or so it seems), this line is not great. But it's cheap. And how much do you want to spend on Sheep, anyway? Some decent Pack Horses and Mules in there as well, though their Cattle are no good for the Borders. Plus, there's this fig, and everyone needs one of those!
UPDATE (2015 01 15): MegaMiniatures has ceased operations as such and sold most of the molds to third parties. link
Outpost Wargames Services link (UK)
Mounted and Foot Reivers, some Civilians, Artillery, Sheep, Hounds, and Cattle. I don't love the looks of their Reivers (and the paint jobs don't help), but the Slew Hounds and animals look pretty good, and are comparatively cheap.
Vendel Miniatures link (UK)
Sells Reiver "families" ranging from 10 to 30 Mounted and Foot figs, as well as an additional line of Elizabethan soldiery. Also carries Hounds and Cattle. The dogs are large Mastiffs, and the cattle, contrary to their "Longhorn" name, are probably quite appropriate for the border lands. You can also get Spear packs, in rounded point and planished varieties. I ordered some figs, which haven't arrived yet. It does look to me like there are way too many calivermen in each bundle though.
UPDATE: The Vendel lines have been purchased by Sgt Major Miniatures link (US).
UPDATE (2019 03 28): Sgt. Major Miniatures has gone down; it's not clear that anyone is distributing the line anymore.
Wargames Foundry link (UK)
Some of the figs in the Seadogs and Swashbucklers collection may suit for Foot, and there are Sheep and Oxen in the Livestock collection.
Border Reiver Castings link (UK)
A decent mix of foot and mounted figs with a variety of weapons. Most interestingly, they have a small selection of civilians, pictured above. Also, mounted figs come paired with a matching foot version. Distributed by Northumbrian Painting Services.
Dixon Miniatures link (UK)
The "Flodden" line also includes some Mounted Border Reivers. These are my least favourite sculpts; I don't think they really have a great sense of proportion, and the equipment is more military than raid oriented. Also, at 2.50 GBP (per rider and horse), they are not materially cheaper than the other lines. The Foot are all from the Flodden line.
Grand Manner link (UK)
Features a wide variety of resin buildings. Their Bastle House is well worth a look, as is the Stone barn and Stable. At 40 GBP+, these are price, but it's better than trying to carve all that stone yourself.... They also have Stone Walls for your barnekin, but these are pricey too. Also, the poorly bevelled bases are a turn off for me.
Graven Images (by Monolith Designs) link (UK)
Stocks a similarly sized range as Vendel. An interesting feature is that you can buy a Foot Reiver band as one pack, and what appears to be the Mounted version as a second pack. Each pack is "character" based: Auld Wat, Red Rowan, etc. No separate animal packs, but there is a Bishop! Also features some appropriate buildings. Probably. There's no photos of the buildings.
UPDATE (2015 01 15): This line is now distributed by Hoka Hey Wargaming.
Gripping Beast link (UK)
No idea if they are appropriate for the Borders, but they have some...interesting Sheep. Also, some miscellaneous pack animals.
Megaminiatures link (USA)
Sold only through an eBay store (or so it seems), this line is not great. But it's cheap. And how much do you want to spend on Sheep, anyway? Some decent Pack Horses and Mules in there as well, though their Cattle are no good for the Borders. Plus, there's this fig, and everyone needs one of those!
UPDATE (2015 01 15): MegaMiniatures has ceased operations as such and sold most of the molds to third parties. link
Outpost Wargames Services link (UK)
Mounted and Foot Reivers, some Civilians, Artillery, Sheep, Hounds, and Cattle. I don't love the looks of their Reivers (and the paint jobs don't help), but the Slew Hounds and animals look pretty good, and are comparatively cheap.
Vendel Miniatures link (UK)
Sells Reiver "families" ranging from 10 to 30 Mounted and Foot figs, as well as an additional line of Elizabethan soldiery. Also carries Hounds and Cattle. The dogs are large Mastiffs, and the cattle, contrary to their "Longhorn" name, are probably quite appropriate for the border lands. You can also get Spear packs, in rounded point and planished varieties. I ordered some figs, which haven't arrived yet. It does look to me like there are way too many calivermen in each bundle though.
UPDATE: The Vendel lines have been purchased by Sgt Major Miniatures link (US).
UPDATE (2019 03 28): Sgt. Major Miniatures has gone down; it's not clear that anyone is distributing the line anymore.
Wargames Foundry link (UK)
Some of the figs in the Seadogs and Swashbucklers collection may suit for Foot, and there are Sheep and Oxen in the Livestock collection.
18 January 2010
Territory and Income Chart
I have attempted to transpose the Necromunda Income Chart into something appropriate for the Borders. Some of the elements are no doubt a little fanciful, but hopefully they keep the spirit of the Border Reivers.
11 Volatile Bog - 2D6
An extensive and highly dangerous bog lies nearby. The bog is a site of varying acidity, a chemical soup producing sulphurous deposits and various kinds of poisonous and corrosive substances, all in demand by your nearby town’s more esoteric practitioners. If you want to collect from the bog you gain 2D6 crowns. The work is extremely hazardous. If you roll a double or a 6 when working out your income, then the ganger falls into the corrosive bog or is caught in a sudden flame up but manages to haul himself free or extinguish the flames (or both, depending on circumstance). He struggles back home horrifically scarred, his skin covered with blisters. His appearance is so foul that from now on he causes fear. No income is collected, and the fighter must miss the next game while he recovers from his injuries.
12-16 Old Ruins - 10
Though bastle houses and peel tower are frequently rebuilt as soon as they go down, there are still many ruins dotting the landscape of the Borders, from abbeys and cloisters to Border dwellings, and even the old mile forts at Hadrian’s Wall . There is one such ruin not far from your settlement. If a hero searches through the ruins he may find scrap bits of old metal, coins, or interesting old curios – enough to sell for 10 crowns.
21-25 Herds - 15
A major clan routinely grazes their sheep and cattle just on the other side of the line. Your warband has discovered a concealed route that enables them to slip in and run off a few head – enough to sell for 15 crowns.
26 Soft Targets - D6x10
Not far from your warband's settlement are a number of poorly defended homesteads or hamlets. Careful not to take too much, the Reivers maintain a careful balance with the civilians, who put up only a token resistance. You will earn D6x10 crowns by banging on doors and making threats.
31-35 Blackmayle - 30
A fairly major settlement would rather pay the warband protection money than suffer their depredations. The relationship is smooth and businesslike; the small holders know that they have to pay someone, one way or another. If a hero visits the settlement, he'll find that the local headman has collected the usual amount and has it all ready to go. In addition, whether the territory is used or not, there is a chance of a young villager, caught up in a romanticized vision of Reiver life, attaching himself to the hero as a sort of page. Roll a D6 after each game. On the roll of a 6 you may recruit a Youngblood for free. His equipment will have to be paid for.
36 Quarry - D6x10
In a mutually beneficial arrangement, your warband has a part ownership in a stone quarry. By sending a few of the boys around to help with the labour, you can earn some ready cash. Collect D6x10 crowns as your share of the profits to date.
If you capture an enemy fighter then you can put him to work in your mine instead of turning him over to the Warden for a bounty. Each captive worker adds +1 to your D6 dice roll for income from the quarry.
41-44 Secret Paths - 10
Your warband has found a series of concealed passes and paths by which they can travel in secret; such routes are ideal for laying ambushes. When the warband fights a battle, it can use routes ducts to position up to three warriors anywhere on the battlefield. Models are set up at the end of the player’s first turn and cannot be placed within 8" of enemy models. This represents the fighters working their way behind the enemy using their secret paths.
One of the heroes has a fairly profitable farming interest. Taking the livestock or produce to market will net the warband some income (D6x10 crowns).
51-52 Whisky Still - D6x10
The gang has set-up and maintains a still at an isolated location out in the wastes. The still is worked by the family or friends of one of the heroes. Selling the booze in town nets the warband a share of the proceeds amounting to D6x10 crowns.
53-54 Drinking Hole - D6x10
Your leader has inherited an old drinking hole in payment of an outstanding gambling debt. Small but well-known, the pub earns a small sum and also provides the warband with a convenient base in the local settlement for planning raids. You can visit the drinking hole to collect your share of D6x10 crowns.
55-56 Merchant Contact - D6x10
A local merchant has offered you favorable rates in return for your business. As a result you are able to increase your income substantially. If you wish to deal with your Merchant Guilder contact, you gain an extra D6x10 crowns.
If you recover any loot during a fight you can trade it in to your contact for an extra +5 crowns income for each item.
61 Friendly Chirurgeon - D6x10
One of the local medical practitioners has offered to patch up your wounded fighters at favorable rates in return for protection and other considerations. If a hero wants to part with a little blood or assist the "doctor" during an operation, you gain D6x10 crowns. The Doc will also give you D6x5 crowns for the body of any of your warriors who dies in combat, providing him with an opportunity to increase his anatomical knowledge....
62 Workshop - D6x10
The family or friends of one of your warriors runs a workshop in the local settlement. You can trade insight, broken weapons, or other odds and ends in return for cheap repair work or cash. If you want to visit the workshop you earn D6x10 crowns.
63 Gambling Den - 2D6x10
Your warband runs a fairly major gambling den in one of the less reputable quarters of Liddesdale or a similar settlement, with cards, dice, cock fights, and other games o' chance. Although the income from running a game is good, it is a risky business because Borderers are notorious cheats and bad losers too. If you decide to run a gambling session you receive 2D6x10 crowns. However, if you roll a double, you lose that number of crowns from that turn’s income instead – eg, double 4 you lose 80 crowns.
Note that losses are deducted from your income before making reductions for basic running costs. If a warband is unable to pay gambling debts out of its income then the difference must be made up from its stash. If this still isn’t enough to cover the warband’s debts then weapons or equipment must be sold off.
64 Faerie Ring - 2D6x10
Your warband has discovered a hidden clearing centered around a faerie ring. Many kinds of rare fungi, herbs, and flowers grow there, which are quite valuable for trade in town. A hero can harvest the plants and sell it to local apothecary for 2D6x10 crowns. If you roll double 1 when harvesting, then the hero has inadvertently touched or ingested something toxic. Such illness is not lethal and recovery is automatic, but the ganger will not be able to take part in future battles until he recovers by rolling a 4, 5 or 6 at the start of a game. Once recovered, he may fight as normal.
65 Hoard - 2D6x10
Your warband has discovered a hidden entrance into a store room in the ruins of an abbey or barrow. A hero can collect the remnants of a hoard of supplies and valuables that can be sold for 2D6x10 crowns. So long as your warband is careful not to sell too many items at once, no one will suspect that your loot is not obtained by your regular rides. No risk is incurred by collecting 2D6x10 crowns. However, if you want to work the hoard more intensely you can do so. A hero can collect 3D6x10, 4D6x10, 5D6x10 or even 6D6x10 from the hoard, but if he rolls any doubles at all, then he has been spotted entering the ruins. You still collect the income rolled but the hoard is secret no longer and it is immediately stripped bare by treasure hunters. The territory then becomes an area of Old Ruins instead.
66 Settlers - Choose
You befriend a group of settlers who have migrated from more peaceful locales to start a new life. Possibly your warband has chanced upon the settlers lost or under attack by broken men. Maybe they are relatives or friends of one of your warriors who have deliberately sought him out. Thanks to your contacts and influence, you are able to give the settlers a good start, and naturally they are grateful for your assistance and only too pleased to help in the future. You may choose any type of territory from the chart. The territory represents the vocation of the settlers or a discovery they have chanced across in their journey to the Borderlands. The territory yields the appropriate income for its type.
15 January 2010
With Fyre and Sword
So I have managed to press-gang a non-miniatures gaming friend of mine to try out some 25/28mm skirmish. I've long thought that the Mordheim rules might provide a good template for gaming Reivers, and I'm in the process of kitbashing the rules together, in addition to the figs to play with.
One of the appeals of this game format is a cheap buy-in; using a box of Empire Militia and a box of Pistoliers, both by Games Workshop, I expect to be able to outfit the better part of two Reiver warbands. Overall, the gear and sculpts suit the period, some bitz excepted, and neither of is is a stickler. We can always buy some legit Border Reiver miniatures from Vendel if we keep on going.
One of the most significant components of the Mordheim rules that I want to change is the income generation. I plan to parachute a composite from the Necromunda rules in, representing the Reivers' various connections and business interests; blackmail, small-time farm raids, and even honest farming will be represented much better by the Necro territories than by the Mordheim wyrdstone or Empire in Flames treasure system. I anticipate that some playtesting will be necessary to establish an even baseline, but I really think it should be a good fit.
Below is my first section of rules edit, the armoury:
Melee Weapons
Requiring honest, face-to-face contact, a man's life depends on his melee weapons.
The truly desperate, disarmed Reivers or peasants who don’t even own a knife, have to fight with their bare hands. Needless to say, their chances of survival are low!
Note: The following rule only apply to warriors who have lost their weapons or unarmed civilians. Animals, etc, ignore these rules. Warriors using their fists can only ever make 1 attack.
Range: Close Combat; Strength: As user -1; Special Rule: +1 Enemy armour save
+1 Enemy armour save: An enemy wounded by a fist gains a +1 bonus to his armour save, and a 6+ armour save if he normally has none.
Daggers and knives are extremely common, and men are allowed to carry them in enclaves where weapons are otherwise forbidden. Every Reiver worth his salt carries a dirk or dagger for close in work.
Range: Close Combat; Strength: As user; Special Rule: +1 Enemy armour save
+1 Enemy armour save: Daggers are not the best weapons to use for penetrating an enemy model’s armour. An enemy wounded by a dagger gains a +1 bonus to his armour save, and a 6+ armour save if he has none normally.
Staff, Club, or Improvised Weapon
It takes little imagination to turn a piece of lumber, a broom handle, or a chair leg into a ready weapon. Though lacking the flair of more military weaponry, woe betide the Reiver who turns his back on a broom wielding farmwife!
Range: Close Combat; Strength: As user; Special Rule: None
Hammer, Mace
Perhaps the simplest type of weapon, these brutal, bludgeoning instruments range from farm tools to cavalry hammers made from the finest steel. A blow from a mace can easily crush a skull or knock a man unconscious.
Range: Close Combat; Strength: As user; Special Rule: Concussion
Concussion: Hammers and other bludgeoning weapons are excellent to use for striking your enemy senseless. When using a hammer, club or mace, a roll of 2-4 is treated as stunned when rolling to see the extent of a model’s injuries.
The axe is the traditional weapon of woodsmen, and is also used as a weapon in poorer rural areas. Axes have a heavy blade and, if swung by a strong man, can cause a lot of damage. The blade of an axe can easily cut through armour, though it requires considerable strength from the wielder.
Range: Close Combat; Strength: As user; Special Rule: Cutting edge
Cutting edge: An axe has an extra save modifier of -1, so a model with Strength 4 using an axe has a -2 save modifier when he hits an opponent in hand-to-hand combat.
The sword is often referred to as the ‘king of weapons’. Swords come in a wide variety of type, from plain hilted longswords to Irish basket hilted broadswords. Most provide the wielder with four full feet of gleaming steel, double-edged and razor-sharp.
Swords are much more effective weapons than crude clubs and axes, though learning to use a sword is a long and difficult process.
Range: Close Combat; Strength: As user; Special Rule: Parry
Parry: Swords offer an excellent balance of defence and offence. A model armed with a sword may parry blows. When his opponent rolls to hit, the model armed with a sword may roll a D6. If the score is greater than the highest to hit score of his opponent, the model has parried the blow, and that attack is discarded. A model may not parry attacks made with double or more its own Strength – they are simply too powerful to be stopped.
Halberd, Bill
The halberd’s heavy blade is mounted upon a sturdy shaft of oak or steel and has a point like a spear and a cutting edge like an axe. Since it can be used to chop as well as thrust, it is an adaptable weapon, but is difficult to use inside buildings. Some varieties also feature a hook to help dismount riders.
Range: Close Combat; Strength: As user +1; Special Rule: Two-handed
Two-handed: A model armed with a halberd may not use a shield, buckler or additional weapon in close combat. If the model has a shield he still gets a +1 bonus to his armour save against shooting.
Spears range from sharpened sticks to the fine “lang spear”, used from horseback or on foot.
Range: Close Combat; Strength: As user; Special Rules: Strike first, Unwieldy, Cavalry bonus
Strike first: A warrior with a spear strikes first in the first turn of hand-to-hand combat.
Unwieldy: A warrior with a spear may only use a shield or a buckler in his other hand. He may not use a second weapon.
Cavalry bonus: If using the rules for mounted models, a mounted warrior armed with a spear receives a +1 Strength bonus when he charges. This bonus only applies for that turn.
Double-handed sword, hammer, axe, etc
A blow from a double-handed axe or sword can cut a foe in half and break armour apart. It takes a long time to learn how to use these weapons and even then only extremely strong men are able to wield them effectively. Not common on the Borders, the occasional claymore does turn up, hearkening back to William Wallace and his frenzied Highlanders.
Range: Close Combat; Strength: As user +2; Special Rules: Two-handed, Strike last
Two-handed: A model armed with a double-handed weapon may not use a shield, buckler or additional weapon in close combat. If the model is equipped with a shield he will still get a +1 bonus to his armour save against shooting.
Strike last: Double-handed weapons are so heavy that the model using them always strikes last, even when charging.
Keen forging
The product of expert smiths, this weapon has an extra -1 save modifier, and costs four times the price of a normal weapon of its kind. You may choose which type of hand-to-hand weapon is offered to you as explained in the Trading section.
Finesse forging
Following a delicate process, the top swordsmiths produce weapons of excellent balance and grace. Finesse forging produces a weapon that gives its user +1 Initiative in hand-to-hand combat, and costs three times the price of a normal weapon of its kind. You may choose which hand-to-hand weapon is offered to you as explained in the Trading section.
Missile Weapons
Often, it is preferred to attack the enemy from a distance, preferably from the top of a crenelated wall. Missile weapons, with some exceptions, are difficult to fire from horseback. All shots suffer a -1 to hit.
Short bow
Short bows are small, short-ranged bows that are cheap and require little strength to use. Some cavalry carry a shortened bow which is easier to shoot from horseback than a larger bow.
Cavalry Weapon: May be used on horseback without penalty.
The bow is carried by most races and used extensively in warfare. It is a compact yet powerful weapon, that is cheap to make and easy to maintain.
Long bow
A long bow is made of alternating layers of either yew or elm. A skilled archer can hit a chosen leaf on a tree from three hundred paces with this weapon.
The long bow is favoured by experienced archers due to its great reach and accuracy.
Infantry Weapon: The Longbow may not be used from horseback.
Heritage Longbow
These bows are the finest missile weapons of their kind, often handed down through generations of Englishmen. Constructed from carefully chosen yew, and strings woven according to a secret method passed down through generations of bowyers, Heritage Longbows are far superior to any missile weapons made by other races. In the hands of an English Yeoman, the Heritage longbow is a truly potent weapon, its long range and penetrating power making it far superior to any other bow.
Save modifier: A heritage longbow has a -1 save modifier on armour saves against it.
Infantry Weapon: The Longbow may not be used from horseback.
A crossbow consists of a short, strong bowstave mounted on a wooden or steel stock. The crossbows of the Warden’s men are made of steel and often include a winding mechanism to draw back the string. It takes a long time to prepare a crossbow, but a bolt fired from one has a tremendous range and can penetrate armour easily.
Crossbows take much longer than other bows to make, so they are expensive and relatively rare weapons. Still, they are the preferred weapon of many in because of their power and long range.
Move or fire: You may not move and fire a crossbow on the same turn, other than to pivot on the spot to face your target or to stand up.
Latch (Light Crossbow)
A smaller, lighter crossbow, the latch is favoured by Reivers because of its ease of use from horseback. Though lacking the stopping power of the larger crossbow, its bolts can still prove deadly.
Move or fire: You may not move and fire a crossbow on the same turn, other than to pivot on the spot to face your target or to stand up.
Cavalry Weapon: May be used on horseback without penalty.
Dag (Pistol)
A pistol is a small, simple blackpowder weapon fired by a wheellock mechanism. Most pistols are expensive, unreliable, and poorly constructed.
Prepare shot: A pistol takes a whole turn to reload, so you may only fire every other turn. If you have a brace of pistols (ie, two) you may fire every turn, but you must sacrifice your movement. You may elect not to reload, and move freely.
Save modifier: Pistols are even better at penetrating armour than their Strength value of 4 suggests. A model wounded by a pistol must take its armour save with a -2 modifier.
Hand-to-hand: Pistols can be used in hand-to-hand combat as well as for shooting. A model armed with a pistol and another close combat weapon gains +1 Attack, which is resolved at Strength 4 with a -2 save modifier. This bonus attack can be used only once per combat. If you are firing a brace of pistols, your model can fight with 2 Attacks in the first turn of close combat. These attacks are resolved with a model’s Weapon Skill like any normal close combat attack and likewise may be parried. Successful hits are resolved at Strength 4 and with a -2 save modifier, regardless of the firer’s Strength.
Cavalry Weapon: May be used on horseback without penalty.
Duelling pistol
A duelling pistol is a work of art, and a gunsmith labours long and hard to produce a single example. They are often carried by nobles to solve disputes over love and honour, and many a noble has died at dawn in a duel over some grievance.
Duelling pistols are prohibitively expensive weapons and common warriors rarely have them. Even if they do manage to steal or buy one, the ammunition is prohibitively expensive.
Some of the wealthiest Reivers carry duelling pistols as status symbols, commanding great respect, admiration and envy.
Accuracy: A duelling pistol is built for accuracy as a skilled duellist is able to hit a coin from twenty paces. All shots and close combat attacks from a duelling pistol have a +1 bonus to hit.
Prepare shot: A duelling pistol takes a complete turn to reload, so your model may only fire every other turn. If he has a brace of dueling pistols he may fire every turn, but you must sacrifice your movement. You may elect not to reload, and move freely.
Save modifier: Duelling pistols are even better at penetrating armour than their Strength 4 suggests. A warrior wounded by a duelling pistol must make his armour save with a -2 modifier.
Hand-to-hand: Duelling pistols can be used in hand-to-hand combat as well as for shooting. A model armed with a dueling pistol and another close combat weapon gains +1 Attack, which is resolved at Strength 4 with a -2 save modifier. This bonus attack can be used only once per combat. If you are firing a brace of duelling pistols, your model can fight with 2 Attacks in the first turn of close combat. These attacks are resolved with a model’s Weapon Skill like any normal close combat attack and likewise may be parried. Successful hits are resolved at Strength 4 and with a -2 save modifier, regardless of the firer’s Strength.
Cavalry Weapon: May be used on horseback without penalty.
Hackbut/Arqubus/Caliver (Handgun)
A handgun is a simple firearm. The quality of construction varies ranging from the crude military Hackbuts to the Calivers commissioned by the wealthy. They often have levers and springs which hold the burning match, and triggers which release the firing mechanism and fire the gun.
Handguns are not terribly reliable weapons: the gun barrel occasionally tends to explode violently or the powder fails to ignite. But the weapon has a great range and tremendous penetrating power, making a mockery of even the thickest armour at close range.
In the Borders, handguns are rare and expensive, but a warband which can boast such a weapon will command respect from all its rivals.
Prepare shot: A handgun takes a complete turn to reload, so you may only fire it every other turn.
Move or fire: You may not move and fire a handgun in the same turn, other than to pivot on the spot to face your target or stand up.
Save Modifier. Handguns are even better at penetrating armour than their Strength 4 suggests. A warrior wounded by a handgun must take its armour save with a -2 modifier. This bonus only applies at close range.
When fighting in close combat, a good suit of armour may mean the difference between life and death. The finest armour in the world is made in German forges, where the secrets of steel and fire are well understood. Hardened leather jackets are often worn by hunters while nobles and Headmen will sport steel breastplates. The jack of plates is the ubiquitous reiver armour.
Light armour
Light armour encompasses a wide variety of materials from hardened leather tunics to the jack of plates. It does not offer complete protection against arrows or swords, but it is a good compromise between weight and protection.
A warrior who is wearing light armour has a basic D6 saving throw of 6.
Heavy armour
Typical heavy armour is the back and breast plate. Though this armour provides excellent protection, it can be quite expensive. More elaborate suits may include protection for the thighs.
A warrior that is wearing heavy armour has a basic D6 saving throw of 5+.
Movement: A warrior that is armed with both heavy armour and a shield suffers a -1 Movement penalty.
There is one main type of shield on the borders: a round target shield, usually made of wood covered in leather.
A model with a shield has a basic save of 6 on a D6.
Bucklers are small, round shields designed for parrying or deflecting blows. They are usually made of steel for they need to be tremendously durable to survive the brutal blows of hand-to-hand combat. Using a buckler requires great skill, but a nimble warrior can protect himself from blows which would otherwise cripple him. Though not common, these small shields do turn up occasionally.
Parry: A model equipped with a buckler may parry the first blow in each round of hand-to-hand combat. When his opponent scores a hit, a model with a buckler may roll 1D6. If the score is greater than the highest to hit score of his opponent, the model has parried the blow, and that attack is discarded. A model may not parry attacks made with double or more its own Strength – they are simply too powerful to be stopped.
The main helmets of choice are the burgonet and the morion, though the occasional plain skull cap or Cabasset does appear. Most sensible Reivers try to protect the most vulnerable part of their body – their head. Helmets come in varying shapes and sizes, but their basic function remains the same.
Avoid stun: A model that is equipped with a helmet has a special 4+ save on a D6 against being stunned. If the save is made, treat the stunned result as knocked down instead. This save is not modified by the opponent’s Strength.
Masterwork armour
Occasionally, an armoursmith will hit on a perfect combination of alloy and design, creating an armour of superior protection and weight distribution. Prized by their owners, such suits often become an important inheritance.
Masterwork armour gives the wearer a 5+ basic save, and does not slow him down if he is also armed with a shield.
German Reiter Armour
The German Ritteren boast some of the finest armour in the world. Well crafted and distributed, the armour combines excellent protection with excellent mobility. Often encountered as bothe adversaries and allies in the continental wars, Borderers could occasionally trade or loot such a fine suit of armour.
German Cavalry armour gives the wearer a 4+ basic save, and does not slow him down if he is also armed with a shield.
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